Independent Advanced Revelation Support



This is a (messy at this time) work in progress.  Some links go to the RTI website even though they are actually documented on this page.  The list on the left is sorted by function; the one on the right is sorted by name.

This page, and it's linked pages, provide a pretty complete programming
reference for Revelation system subroutines.  By clicking on the 'Y's, you
should get sample code; if there's not a 'Y', then the sample code should
be right with the subroutine docs.

I would suggest downloading this page and it's linked pages to a subdirectory
under your Revelation, then having a menu item that does a PCPERFORM 
of START {subdirectory name}\syssubs1.htm to bring this page up in your
browser.  I find it pretty handy when doing a lot of programming.  Enjoy!






User Interaction
· Subroutines don't do screen I/O other than through PROGRESS.
· You have source to PROGRESS.
· Used to report errors encountered in the routine.
· Subroutines will null out - don't rely on it being unchanged.
· Use in conjunction with STATUS() to determine error handling.
· Calling routine can deal with the error or call FSMSG
copyrow_sub("MYVOC", "MYROW", "VOC", "NEWVOCITEM", "O")

copyrow_sub("MYTABLE", "MYROW", "VOC", "", "")
If @FILE.ERROR<FSCODE$> = "W179" Then
* great! it already exists!
End Else

· Some errors will be generated by the subroutine. Some errors, usually I/O related, will be passed back, by the subroutine, unchanged.
· Multiple errors come back delimited by @RM.

STATUS() values

-2 No error. Informational info in @FILE.ERROR
-1 User abandoned process
0 Logical error
1 Physical error, possibly recoverable (eg drive door open).
2 Fatal error.

Parameter initialization
· Passed parameters are not assumed to be initialized
· Uninitialized parms are assigned a default (usually null)


Copies one or more rows.

COPYROW_SUB(SourceTable, SourceIds, TargetTable, TargetIds, Options)

SourceTable Required. The source table for the rows to be copied.
SourceIds The ids for the source rows to be copied. Multiple ids are separated by @FM. Wildcard "*" can be used to indicate all rows should be copied. If you like, you can activate a select list and pass SourceIds as null. The select list will be used.
TargetTable The table into which the source rows should be copied. If null, the target table is the same as the source table.
TargetIds The new ids for the rows to be copied. If null, the rows are copied to the same name.
Options See the documentation for COPYROW for a list of supported options.

Errors Returned

W179 Target row already exists.
W180 Target row does not exist.
S805 Number of rows copied. (Informational)
W106 User quit while waiting for a lock.
W107 Source row does not exist.
B403 Unable to write row.



Deletes one or more rows from a table.

DELETEROW_SUB(Table, RowIds, Options)

Table Required. The name of the table from which to delete rows.
RowIds The ids for the rows to be deleted. Multiple ids are separated by @FM. An active select list may be used, if so, pass RowIds as null.
Options See the documentation for DELETEROW for a list of supported options.
Errors Returned
W106 User quit while waiting for lock.
W189 Number of rows deleted (informational)

ATTACHTABLE_SUB (sample code)

ATTACHTABLE_SUB( volumeName, tableList, options )

ATTACHTABLE_SUB attaches tables, making them available for subsequent processing. The subroutine can attach all available tables on a volume, or a selected list only. A table is available to ATTACHTABLE_SUB if it belongs to the current application or if it is global.

You can use a table alias (Qfile) to attach a table that belongs to another application. However, if the second application has a password, the alias definition (in the SYSALIAS table) must include the password. Add it to the second attribute of the definition. For example:


For more information about creating an alias for a table, see "Creating an alias (synonym) for a table" in Chapter 22 of the Advanced Revelation User's Guide.

If a table is qualified with a user name, you can attach it by including the appropriate user prefix. For details, see "Table names and users (qualified table names)" in Chapter 22 of the Advanced Revelation User's Guide.

volumeName The name of a valid volume, either a volume defined using the SetVolume window, or the name of an operating system path where there are Advanced Revelation tables. If tableList is null, all qualifying tables on the volume are attached. If no volumeName is provided, the default data volume is assumed.
tableList An array (@FM-delimited) of tables to attach. If this parameter is null, all qualifying tables on the volume are attached. By default, the subroutine attaches the dictionary, the data portion of the table, and any indexes (the !file). To attach only one portion of the file, use these prefixes on the table name:
Prefix Meaning
DICT. Attach only the dictionary portion of the table.
DATA. Attach only the data portion of the file, not the dictionary. (This also attaches the !file if the table is indexed.)

If there are two tables of the same name, but one belongs to the current application and the other is global, the table belonging to the application is attached. You can attach the table REVMEDIA, but only if you are in the SYSPROG application.


Option Meaning
A (announce). Posts a message in the status line if the file being
attached was previously attached from another volume.

Values and Errors Returned

If an error has occured, the system variable status( ) is set to 1, otherwise status( ) is zero. Specific errors are returned in @file.error. Multiple errors are delimited with @RM. Possible values are:

Error Meaning
W504 Invalid table name, or attempt to attach a table from another application
without the proper password.
109 Invalid volume name.


DELETETABLE_SUB (TableName, Options)

Tablename The name of the currently attached table to delete.
Options See the documentation for DELETETABLE for a list of supported options.

Errors Returned

S140 Process not available.
S141 Parameter required.


Creates a table. This routine must be called twice to create both the data and the dictionary; once for each.

MAKETABLE_SUB(Volume, Table, MediaMap, FieldList, AttachFlag)

Volume The volume onto which to create the table. If null, the default volume defined in
the current volume is used. This is typically DATAVOL.
Table Required. The name of the table to create. Tables can be created in other applications by
including the application name with the tablename, separated by an asterisk.
TABLE*APPNAME The default is to create the table in the current application.
MediaMap The media map record for the table. Usually passed as a null, this can be used to preinstall
MFSs on the newly created table.
FieldList A list of fields to create in the new dictionary. See below for the layout of this parameter.
AttachFlag Pass a 1 (true) if the newly created table is to be attached. The default is to not attach the table.

Fieldlist layout
The fieldlist parameter is a dynamic array. Each field in the array represents a column in the dictionary. Each value in the field has a special meaning. Only "F" type fields can be created.

1) Name The name of the dictionary item. No validation of the name is performed by this routine.
The name is assumed to have been validated by the calling program.
2) Datatype The generic datatype to be applied to the column.
3) KeyFlag If this is true, the column is part of the key.
4) MVFlag If this is true, the column is multivalued, otherwise it is single valued.

Errors Returned

S140 Process not available (can't run in a runtime)
S141 Parameter required.
W506 Unable to create table.


Sets up an alias (QFILE).

SETALIAS_SUB(Volume, Application, Password, Table, Alias, Options)

Volume The volume containing the table to which to set an alias.
Application The name of the application that owns the table.
Password The password to the application, if any.
Table The name of the table to which to set the alias.
Alias The alias name. If Alias is not provided the system name SYSALIAS is used.
Options See the documentation for SETALIAS for supported options.

Errors Returned

W125 Password is incorrect.
W116 Application name is incorrect.
W505 Alias is unavailable after SETALIAS_SUB.
W500 Mismatch between volume and table.
W517 Unable to attach table in the application on the volume.

MAKEACCOUNT_SUB (sample code)

Creates a new application (account).

MAKEACCOUNT_SUB (Name, Location, NewList, Options)

Name The name of the application to create. The name must not conflict with other application or user names.
Location Where to put the application specific tables. If not provided a new subdirectory under the
current AREV is created using the same name as the application (or the first 8 characters of the name).
Volume pointers may be used but only LH volumes are allowed.
NewList Key to the row in the SYSENV table containing the list of tables to create in the new application.
See below for the structure of the NewList record. The default is NEWAPPLICATIONLIST.
Options See the documentation for MAKEAPPLICATION for supported options.

Errors Returned

W526 Application name is required.
R120 The application already exists.
S101 The location volume must be Linear Hash.
S102 Unable to create Location.
W544 Unable to read NewList.
W500 Mismatch between table and volume.


Changes attributes of an application (account).

SECUREACCOUNT_SUB(Request, Name, AppRecord, Status)

Request Required. The action to perform.
0 = Get application information.
1 = Update application information.
Name Required. The name of the application.
AppRecord If Request = 0, the application record is returned here.
If Request = 1 you pass the updated application record here.
See below for the structure of the record.
Status One of six status codes. See below for status codes.

AppRecord layout:


The literal "ACCOUNT".


Startup command (logon verb).


Restriction level.






Password (you pass it unencrypted, the system will encrypt.)


Logto passwords (mv list).


Logto startup commands (mv list).


Logto restriction levels (mv list).


Shell code and command.


Logto shell code and command.




Default location for the application.

Values returned and Errors Returned


Successful operation.


No application name given.


Name is not an application name. (The row exists in SYSENV but it is not an application.)


Name does not exist.


Invalid Request code passed.


I/O error. Calling program should check @FILE.ERROR.


Removes an application (account) from the system.

DELETEACCOUNT_SUB (Name, VolumeList, Options)

Name Required. The name of the application to delete.
VolumeList A list of volumes on which there are tables belonging to the application to be deleted. The system will find and delete the application tables on these volumes. Multiple volumes are separated by @FM.
Options "S" to suppress progress information display.

Errors Returned

W172 Application name required.
W508 SYSPROG may not be deleted.


Allows user maintenance (creation, secure, delete).

USER_SUB(Request, Name, UserInfo, Status)

Request The action to perform. See below for a list of valid request codes.
Name The user name on which to perform the action.
UserInfo This parameter is used to get information back or to supply information to the subroutine. A user record. See below for the layout of the user record.
Status A status code. See below for status codes.

Request codes:


Create a new user. (username passed in Name)


Update user information. (username passed in Name. Userinfo contains new user record).


Get user information. (username passed in Name. User record returned in UserInfo.)


Delete a user. (username passed in Name)

UserInfo record layout:


The literal "USER".


Application the user belongs to.


Startup command (logon verb).


Restriction level.








Shell code and command.

Values returned and Errors Returneds:


Successful completion.


No Name given.


Name is not a user.


Name does not exist.


Invalid Request.


I/O error. Check @FILE.ERROR for details.


Application name given in user record does not exist.


Name already exists.


BUILDINDEX_SUB( indexType, indexName, indexInfo, clearFlag, đ
indexHandle, sortFileName)


Builds an index in a single table. The index to be built can be a Btree index, a Cross Reference indexes, or a Relational index.

+ The subroutine BUILDINDEX_SUB cannot build Quickdex or Rightdex indexes. To build those, use the system subroutine ???


The name of the table with for which you want to rebuild indexes. The table must be attached.


The file handle for dataTable.

F If you are rebuilding an index for a symbolic column, you must also open the dictionary of the table to @DICT before calling BUILDINDEX_SUB.


The file handle for the index table (the !file) associated with dataTable. For example, if you are rebuilding indexes in the table SAMPLE_CUSTOMERS, you must also open !SAMPLE_CUSTOMERS and pass the file handle of the index in this parameter. You can use the system subroutine INDEX.OPEN to open the index table.


An array (@FM-delimited) of indexes (columns) to rebuild. Each index to be rebuilt is one field in this array, with details about each index as values (@VM-delimited) within each field. The layout of each field is as follows:

Value Contents
<n, 1> The name of the column (index). For Cross Reference indexes this is the name of the column without the "_XREF" or ".XREF" suffix.
<n, 2> The literal text Btree, Cross Reference, or Related To to describe the type of index being rebuilt. This text is used in error messages if necessary.
<n, 3> Control information for Relational indexes — the full description of the relation in this format:


This information is stored in field 23 of the dictionary entry for the source column for the relational index.

<n, 4> The full name of the column. For Btree and Relational indexes, this is the same as the information in value 1. For Cross Reference indexes this is the name of the column with the "_XREF" or ".XREF" suffix.
<n, 5> A code indicating the index type: 1 for Btree and Cross Reference, 2 for Relational.
<n, 6> The column position (field number) of the index. For indexes on symbolic columns, use the full column name.
<n, 7> A case-sensitivity flag determining whether the data should be converted to uppercase. 1 (true) means data should be converted (a case-insensitive index); 0 (false) indicates data should not be converted (a case-sensitive index).
<n, 8> The justification of the column. For Btree and Cross Reference indexes this is the justification of the column as defined in the dictionary (L or R only) followed by the literal "L". For Relational indexes, see the table below.
<n, 9> The sort direction. For Btree and Cross Reference indexes this is always "AA". For Relational indexes, see the table below.
<n, 10> A multivalue flag. Pass true (1) if the column is multivalued, false otherwise.

Most of this information can be read directly from the dictionary entry of the column for which the index is being rebuilt. (See the second example program for details on where to find this information.)

One exception is the information for justification and sort direction. For Relational indexes, use this table to determine what values to pass:

Index Sort Type Justification
(Dict just + value in this column)


Set to true (1) if all indexes in the table are being rebuilt. This allows faster processing.

Warning! If not all indexes are being rebuilt or if you are not sure if all indexes are being rebuilt do not set this flag. You will lose index information.

Values returned

The return status of BUILDINDEX_SUB is indicated by the system variable @file.error. If the process completes successfully, the variable is null. Multiple errors are delimited with record marks (@RM). The error number appears in field 1 of each @file.error "record", and additional information about the error appears in field 2. Possible errors are:

Error Meaning Add'l Info.
421 User canceled process.  
259 Related table is not available. <2,1> table name
<2,2> rel. table name
B286 The column name is not a valid index name. <2> name of column
B702 The index must be rebuilt (if the process is canceled by the user). <2> name of index
S195 Out of disk space. Unable to rebuild index. <2,1> type of index
<2,2> name


Status line display

The BUILDINDEX_SUB subroutine displays information in the status line — first as it scans the data in the table, and then as it rebuilds the index. For tables with more than 100 rows, the status line is updated only every 100 rows. There is no option to suppress this display.

Locking and multi-user access to indexes

While you are rebuilding indexes, no other user can be updating the index (meaning that users cannot change any indexed columns throughout the table). To ensure that no other users are updating the index, the control entry *INDEXING and the 0 (zero) entry in the index (!table) are locked. During the rebuild itself, these index entries are locked: name*INDEXING, name*, ad name*ROOT.

BUILDINDEX_SUB loops until all of these entries are locked. Therefore, if another user has any of these entries in use, the rebuild process halts until the entry is available. By the same token, once the rebuild process is underway, any attempt to update the index will simply wait until the control entries are available again.

It is therefore recommended that you do not attempt to rebuild indexes during periods of heavy use, because your rebuild process could be delayed, and because while it is running, no user can be updating the indexes.

Quitting during the rebuild process

The user is able to abort the rebuild process by pressing [Esc] while a rebuild is underway. However, this leaves the indexes in an unpredictable condition; the indexes cannot be used until the are rebuilt.. You should always test to see if the process has been interrupted, and if so, to warn the user that the indexes should be rebuilt before they are used.


Rebuilds one or more indexes in a table.

REBUILDINDEX_SUB(DataTable, DataHandle, IndexHandle, FieldInfo, FlagAll)

DataTable The name of the data portion of the table with indexes.
DataHandle The filehandle to DataTable. The calling program must open the table before calling this routine. The calling program must open the dictionary of the table to @DICT before calling this routine.
IndexHandle The filehandle to the !DataTable. The calling program must open the !table before calling this routine (INDEX.OPEN is a good choice).
FieldInfo An @FM delimited list of indexes to rebuild. See below for the structure required for each index type.
FlagAll Set to True (1) if all indexes in the table are being rebuilt. This allows for faster processing in how the !table is handled. If all indexes are not being rebuilt or you're not sure if all indexes are being rebuilt DO NOT SET THIS FLAG. You will lose index information.

FieldInfo layout:

1 Name of the column. For CrossRef indexes this is the name of the column without the "_XREF".
2 Literal text for the index type (Btree, CrossRef, Related To)
3 Desc for Relational indexes, the description of the relationship.
4 The name of the column. For Btree and Relational indexes, this is the same as the information in value 1. For CrossRef indexes this is the name of the column with the trailing "_XREF".
5 Index type. 1 for Btree and CrossRef, 2 for Relational.
6 The field on which the index is placed. For real fields use the field number or the field name (using the field number will be faster). For symbolics, use the field name.
7 A flag determining whether the data should be converted to uppercase. 1 (true) means data should be converted. 0 (false) indicates data should not be converted.
8 The justification of the column. For Btree and CrossRef indexes this is the justifcation of the column (as defined in the dictionary) followed by the literal "L". See below for a table of justification codes used with Relational indexes.
9 Sort direction. For Btree and CrossRef indexes this is always "AA". See below for a table of sort directions for Relational indexes.
10 Mv flag. True if the column is multivalued, false otherwise.

Relational Justification and Sort Direction

Index Sort Type Justification (Dict just + value in this colum) Sort Direction

Errors Returned

FS421 User cancelled process.
FS259 Related table is not available.
B286 Invalid index name.
B702 Index must be rebuilt.
S195 Out of disk space. Unable to rebuild index.



There are times when you need direct access to indexed values. Much of the time, the system subroutine, BTREE.EXTRACT will perform this job quickly and efficiently, returning a sub-set of record keys that matches the required specifications. However, while BTREE.EXTRACT is powerful, versatile, and easy to use, it has two limitations:

_ It will only return up to 64K worth of record keys, even though there may be more keys that would match the search criteria.

_ It returns only the record keys, not the index values.

You can use system subroutine BTREE.READ to address these limitations.
BTREE.READ returns the complete index record that contains the searched-for value. Since each index record contains the record keys to the next and previous records in the index you use the record returned by BTREE.READ as a start and follow pointers from there.

Syntax Use

bulletBTREE.READ to find a starting position within an index. Once the starting position is found, you can traverse the index based on your search criteria. The syntax for BTREE.READ is:
bulletBTREE.READ(i_filevar, field, value, sort_method, MAT record, i, sep, found)
bulletI_filevar is the file handle to the index file being accessed. It is not the handle to the data file.
bulletField is the name of the indexed field being accessed, for example, "NAME.XREF" or "DATE".
bulletValue contains the value to be searched for. This is a single value, not a range. If a partial word is passed, for example, "SM", a starting-with search is implied. The format of value must match the format of the data stored in the index. If data is stored in internal format, you must convert value to its internal representation before passing it to BTREE.READ.
bulletSort_method is either "AL" or "AR", indicating either a left-justified or a right-justified (numeric data) sort order in the index.
bulletMAT Record is a 5 element dimensioned array that has been initialized to null (""). BTREE.READ returns an index leaf record in record. For more information on the layout of record, see "Index Leaf Record Structure" below.
bulleti  is a variable that acts as an index into the value mark- delimited arrays of values and associated record keys returned in record.
bulletSep is returned by BTREE.READ. It is the value that all values in record are less than or equal to.
bulletFound is a flag indicating whether or not the exact value searched for was found. If found is true (1), i points to the value that contains the searched-for value. If found is false (0), i points to the position in the index where the value would be located if it existed.

Figure 1 demonstrates calling BTREE.READ.

Index Leaf Record Structure

BTREE.READ returns a Btree index leaf node. Understanding the structure of the leaf node will help you understand BTREE.READ. A leaf node is a 5 field record. Each field has a different meaning.

Field 1 - Node Flag

The first field in the index leaf record contains a value of either "0", "1", or "2", where "2" denotes that this record contains index values and keys. The other values indicate that the record contains branch information and no actual index values.

Field 2 - Forward Pointer

The second field contains the record key to the next record in the index, assuming ascending order.
The index record keys take the form of <fieldname>*<optional-identifier>*<separator value>. The optional identifier is used when there is more than one index leaf record that contains a single indexed value, common in large files with relatively few index values for a field, i.e. a status code field that can contain only a few possible values. The separator value is the same as the value returned by BTREE.READ in sep. If field 2 is empty then this is the last leaf record in the index.

Field 3 - Backward Pointer

The third field contains the record key to the previous record in the index, again assuming ascending order. If field 3 is empty, then this is the first leaf record in the index.

Field 4 - Indexed Values

Field 4 contains a value-mark delimited list of index values, sorted in either left-justified (alphabetical) or right-justified (numeric). The BTREE.READ argument i references a position in this list.

Field 5 - Record Keys

Field 5, the last field in the index leaf record, contains a multivalued list of keys. Each value is associated with the index value in the same position in field 4. If more than one key is associated with an index value, then the keys are delimited with subvalue marks.

Multi-User Access

BTREE.READ does not perform any locking. If your index file is being updated by multiple users simultaneously these problems could result:

The forward or backward pointer in record could point to a non-existant record. The values in the index could change as you traverse the index. To prevent the index from changing as you traverse the index, you should lock the root node of the index (the "FieldName*ROOT" record in the indexing file) before accessing the index. Users will still be allowed to update the data file and to post new index transactions. Be sure to unlock the root when you're finished with the index. If you must allow updates while traversing the index use this strategy to account for a shifting index:

If your read of the next index record fails, reread the current record from the index. This will give you an updated version of the record with new pointers. If the new pointer fails (the read still doesn't return a record) call BTREE.READ again with using the last index value in val. This will give you a new starting position within the index from which to to start traversing. Warning! Both of these techniques could result in your program missing records or in your program processing the same record twice.

/* This program searches the customer_name index using BTREE.READ and returns all records that have an indexed value between "SMITH" and "THOMPSON". */



/* Get the sort information from the index.*/




/* Find the starting position in the key list in element five of the index leaf record. */

POS = INDEX(I_RECORD(5), @VM, I-1) + 1
POS = 1


/* Get the next key to process */

/* REMOVE sets FLAG to 3 when a value mark is found. Finding a value mark indicates the indexed value has changed. */

/* No more valid values to process. */

/* If flag = 0 then we have reached the end of the current leaf record and it is time to read the next record or stop. */
/* There is a pointer to another record. */
/* Start at the beginning of the list of keys in the new record.*/
POS = 1
I = 1
/* Recovery logic goes here if you're not locking the index. */
/* There are no more index records. */

/* Logic to process records goes here. */



DELETELIST_SUB( deleteTableName, deleteRecName )

Removes a list saved earlier with the TCL command SAVELIST or the subroutine SAVELIST_SUB.

deleteTableName The name of the table in which the list to be deleted is located. The default is LISTS.
deleteRecName The name of the list to delete

Values returned and  Errors Returned

The return status of SAVELIST_SUB is indicated by the system variable @file.error. Multiple errors are delimited with record marks (@RM). The error number appears in field 1 of each @file.error "record", and additional information about the error appears in field 2. Possible errors are:

Error Meaning
S145 Successful deletion.
S140 Process not allowed on a Runtime version of Advanced Revelation.
401 Invalid table name in deleteFileName.
B166 deleteRecName does not exist in the indicated table (status( ) returns zero).

Under some circumstances, DELETELIST_SUB sets these values for status( ):

status( ) Meaning
-2 Successful deletion.
1 An error occurred.
0 Non-critical error occured.

Correct use of DELETELIST_SUB

list = "phonelist"
table = ""     /* defaults to LISTS */
call deletelist_sub( table, list )
if status() # -2 then
  call fsmsg()


GETLIST_SUB( sourceTableName, sourceRecName, options )

Retrieves a list of keys saved earlier with the TCL SAVELIST command or with the system subroutine SAVELIST_SUB, and makes it into the currently active list (in cursor zero). If @BROWSE.MODE is true, the list is put directly into @BROWSE.LIST (up to 32K).

sourceTableName The name of the table in which to save the list. The default is LISTS. The table must be attached
sourceRecName The name of the list to get.
options (o) (Overwrite) If a select list is already active, overwrite (clear) it.

Values returned and Errors Returned 

The return status of GETLIST_SUB is indicated by the system variable @file.error. Multiple errors are delimited with record marks (@RM). The error number appears in field 1 of each @file.error "record", and additional information about the error appears in field 2. Possible errors are:

Error Meaning Add'l Info.
S144 Select list has been activated. <2> reccount
S140 This process is not allowed on a Runtime version
S143 A select list is already active (no O option).
401 Invalid table name in sourceTableName. <2> table
B558 No such list. <2,1> key

<2,2> table

Under some circumstances, GETLIST_SUB sets these values for status( ):

status( ) Meaning
-2 Select list has been activated.
1 An error occurred.

Correct use of GETLIST_SUB

tablename = ""  ;  * table name defaults to LISTS
listname  = "SORTED_CUSTOMERS"
call getlist_sub( tablename, listname )

if then
  reccount = @file.error<2>
  call msg( "%1% rows were selected!", "", "", reccount )
end else
  if @file.error<1> = "B558" then
     text     = "Please run the Customer sort option"
     text<-1> = "before choosing this report!"
     call msg( text )
  end else
     call fsmsg()
  end ; * if @file.error
end ; *  if
call deletelist_sub( tablename, listname )


SAVELIST_SUB( saveTableName, saveRecName, options )


Saves a currently-active select list to a table, from where it can be re-activated using the TCL GETLIST command or the subroutine GETLIST_SUB. The select list to be saved can be active or latent; if the list is latent, it is resolved before being saved. By default, the select list remains active after being saved.

saveTableName The name of the table in which to save the list. The default is LISTS. The table must be attached.
saveRecName The name of the list to save. The name should contain no spaces or system delimiters (@VM, @FM, etc.). We recommend that you limit punctuation to underscore characters (_).


Option Meaning
C (Clear) Clears the select list after saving it. The default is that the list remains active.

Values returned and Errors Returned 

The return status of SAVELIST_SUB is indicated by the system variable @file.error. Multiple errors are delimited with record marks (@RM). The error number appears in field 1 of each @file.error "record", and additional information about the error appears in field 2. Possible errors are:

Error Meaning Add'l Info.
W166 Successful save. <2,1> table
<2,2> list key
<2,3> key count
S140 Process not allowed on a Runtime version of Advanced Revelation.  
S142 No active list to save.  
401 Invalid table name in saveTableName. <2> table
421 User aborted (while a latent list was being resolved) <2> key
<3> table
Unable to retain the active select list.  

Under some circumstances, SAVELIST_SUB sets these values for status( ):

status( ) Meaning
-2 Successful save.
-1 User aborted the process by pressing [Esc]
(this is only possible if the select list was unresolved).
1 An error occurred.

Correct use of SAVELIST_SUB

call savelist_sub( "", "CUSTLIST", "")
if status() ne -2 then
call fsmsg()
end else
reccount = @file.error<2,3>
text = "%1% rows selected and saved!"
call msg( text, "", "", reccount )

/* savelist is still active */


error = GETCONFIGURE( configureRecord )

A function that loads an array with information about the current configuration of the system. This includes much of the information displayed by the TCL WHO command.


This parameter returns an array (@FM-delimited) of information about the current system. The entry CONFIGURE.RECORD.EQUS in the SYSINCLUDE table provides text constants for the positions of this array. The layout is this:

Pos Description Values
1 System level Current release level (for example, 3.1).
2 Updated from Multivalued field (associated with <2> and <3>) listing the source release level when an update (Maintenance Release) was applied.
3 Updated to Associated multivalued field (with <2> and <3> listing the release level after the update.
4 Update date Associated multivalued field (with <2> and <3>) listing the dates of updates.
5 Conversion list Multivalued list of conversion modules (such as PC-MOS) that have been applied to this system (associated with <6>).
6 Conversion dates Multivalued list of dates (associated with <5>) on which conversion modules were applied to this system.
7 Optional module list Multivalued list of add-on modules (such as Environmental Bonds) that have been applied to this system.
Pos Description Values
8 Optional module install dates Multivalued list of dates (associated with <7> and <8>) of when add-on modules were added to the system.
9 Optional module level Multivalued list of release levels associated with <7> and <8>) for add-on modules were added to the
10 System type 0 = Full development
1 = Runtime
2 = Demo
3 = Single-disk Runtime
11 Monitor type 7 = monochrome, any other value = color.
12 Video adapter type. 0 = MDA
1 = CGA
2 = EGA
3 = PGA
4 = VGA
5 = MCGA
6 = Unknown
13 Video mode 0 = Text (default)
1 = EGA25
2 = EGA43
3 = VGA25
4 = VGA43
5 = VGA50
14 Mouse active True if a mouse has been detected, false otherwise.
15 Mouse button count. Number of mouse buttons detected (2 or 3).
16 Mouse driver version. As returned by the mouse driver.
17 Mouse type 1 = Bus

2 = Serial

3 = InPort

4 = PS/2

5 = HP

18 Expanded memory in use True if an EMM driver has been detected, false otherwise.
Pos Description Values
19 EMM window address Hex address of 16K EMM window (buffer).
20 EMM overflow buffer 1 address Hex address of first expanded memory page frame (overflow buffer).
21 EMM overflow buffer 2 address Hex address of second expanded memory page frame (overflow buffer).
22 Expanded memory in use Bytes of expanded memory currently in use.
23 Expanded memory allocated Amount of expanded memory that Advanced Revelation has allocated.
24 Network type Name of the network driver currently loaded.
25 Maximum network users Number of maximum concurrent users for this copy of Advanced Revelation. (The number to which this copy has been bumped.)
26 Active language set Name of the language set currently active (for example, LND_ENGLISH_INT).
27 Loaded language set Multivalued list of additional language sets currently loaded. The first value in this list matches the active language set.
28 Active printer Name of currently-active printer. (Name of the printer configuration record currently loaded.)
29 Available printers Multivalued list of printers available in Advanced Revelation. (Lists the names of the configuration records.)
Pos Description Values
30 Communications port setup Multivalued list of settings for the default communication port, in this layout:
<30,1> baud rate
<30,2> data bits
<30,3> stop bits
<30,4> parity
<30,5> Xon/Xoff (0/1)
<30,6> strip flag (0/1)
<30,7> break count
31 Rollout file Name of DOS file for storing the current memory configuration when Advanced Revelation is temporarily suspended. (This is also the value of @ROLLOUT.FILE.)
32 Screen height Height (in rows) of the display device. (This is also the value of @CRTHIGH.)
33 Screen width Width (in columns) of the display device. (This is also the value of @CRTWIDE.)
34 Printer page height Height (in rows) of the logical printer page. (This is also the value of @LPTRHIGH.)
35 Printer page width Width (in columns) of the logical printer page. (This is also the value of @LPTRWIDE.)
36 Index timeout Number of seconds of idle time that the current workstation waits before launching the background indexing process. A value of 0 means that the current workstation will not begin background indexing. (This is also the value of @INDEX.TIME.)
37 Background index delay. Number of seconds that this workstation waits between index updates before checking for further index transactions. (This is also the value of @BACKGROUND.DELAY.)
Pos Description Values
38 Temporary files volume. Volume or DOS path where this workstation should store temporary work files for sorting, creating View reports in R/LIST, and printing to PostScript printers.
39 Lock limit Maximum number of locks (table or row) allowed for this workstation on a network. Zero means there is no limit.
40 Network cache size Size in bytes of the network cache for this workstation. Zero means there is no caching.
41 Printer ports Multivalued list (associated with <29>) of printer ports for available printers.
42 Display equivalence table Name of entry in the SYSPRINTERS table that provides screen output equivalences for printer attribute codes (font attribute table).
43 Mouse sensitivity Value between 1 and 100, with 100 the most sensitive (fastest).
44 Not currently used
45 System initialiazation file Name of INI file (for example, AREVC.INI) that was used when this session started.

Values returned

The return value for GETCONFIGURE is a single number indicating the success of the operation:

Value Meaning
2 Configuration information cannot be found.
3 Error in parsing the configuration information.
4 The INI file for the current workstation is not available.


CALCULATEX is an external function that evaluates the specified field.
result = CALCULATEX(field, dict, id, record, mv)
CALCULATEX differs from R/BASIC CALCULATE only in relieving
the user of the necessity to save and restore the values of
@DICT, @RECORD, and @ID.
Field contains the name of the dictionary field to evaluate.
Dict contains the source dictionary file.
Put the record key of the source record in id.
Place the source record in record.
Mv contains the value number of the source value in a
multivalued field.  This value should be 0 (zero) if the
field is single-valued.
Values returned
CALCULATEX returns the result of evaluating field in the
specified dictionary.
Correct Use of CALCULATEX
/* The following code opens a file and its associated
dictionary, then uses CALCULATEX to evaluate one multivalue
in a field from SAMPLE_CUSTOMERS. */


field = "CONTACT_NAME"
id    = 6
mv    = 2

OPEN file TO filevar ELSE FSMSG(); STOP

result   = CALCULATEX(field, @DICT, id, @RECORD, mv)
text     = "Multivalue ":mv:" of the ":field:" field"
text<<-1>> = "for record ":id:" evaluates to



The DRVREADY function, provided with Advanced Revelation 2.12, lets you
determine whether a floppy disk drive is ready. Pass a 0 for drive A and a 1
for drive B. DRVREADY returns true (1) if the drive is ready, otherwise
false (0). Drives C and higher are not supported.

Figure 1 shows how DRVREADY can be used in a program.

Note: On some single floppy drive systems DRVREADY will return true when
testing (the non-existent) drive B.

Figure 1

DRV  = 0
DONE = 0
    MSG('Insert disk into drive %1%
and close door','','',CHAR(65DRV))


EXIT_SYSTEM( displayMessage )

Does a clean logoff from Advanced Revelation from within an R/BASIC program. In addition to logging off, EXIT_SYSTEM accomplishes these tasks:

· Writes out any cached index updates that might be pending because BATCH.INDEXING has been invoked. For details about BATCH.INDEXING, see the Revelation Technologies Knowledge Base.

· Detaches all volumes belonging to Environmental Bonds (or other non-native filing systems) so that those filing systems can run their own cleanup operations.


If this parameter is passed true, the normal Advanced Revelation logoff message (W170) is displayed.


U307A is what is known as a user code. Primarily it is in there for Pick compatibility and were never removed from the product. Below are all the user codes available:

OpenInsight and ARev ICONV

U307A Wait to Specified Time (time in MTS output format
U407A Wait for specified number of seconds.


OpenInsight and ARev OCONV

[U10DD] Serial Number



[U70E0] Turn Echo On
[U80E0] Turn Echo Off


(Note the square brackets around the OCONV values!)

Additionally there is an OCONV validation called a G Correlative. Essentially, it is the limited version of the field function. The format is GStartPos-1DelimiterNumValues.

StartPos is the starting position passed into the FIELD function starting position value less 1.
Delimited is the charachter passed into the FIELD function delimiter value.
NumValues is the starting position passed into the FIELD function number of values to return
For example,
OCONV( 'A*B*C*D*E*F*G*H*I','G2*3')
will return C*D*E.

Note that the G Correlative does not require the square brackets. Also note that that starting position number must be 9 or lower. Also, the starting position number is one less than the value passed into the FIELD function.





When you start Advanced Revelation, the program gets its bootstrap information from a DOS file called REVBOOT. This includes the object code for the initial system programs, the network driver, the default error handler, and the text that displays while Advanced Revelation is loading.

The REVBOOT file is constructed from copies of entries in various system tables such as SYSOBJ, SYSENV, and SYSTEXT. REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB allows you to change the bootstrap information by assembling fresh copies of these entries (after you have made changes to them) and writing them out as a new copy of the REVBOOT file. The most common types of changes are:

· Changing network drivers.

· Changing the text of logon messages, such as “Welcome to Advanced Revelation”, “Processing ...”, the prompt text for passwords and account names, and the text of error messages that are displayed during logon.

· Changing the list of programs that are permanently loaded into memory while Advanced Revelation is running (the programs in INITIAL_LOAD).

For example, to change the text of a logon message, you can edit the entry called RTP1*PARMS in the SYSTEXT table. After making changes, run REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB, which will recreate REVBOOT, including the text changes that you have made.

Before writing out an updated REVBOOT file, the REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB subroutine makes a copy of the existing REVBOOT file under the name REVBOOT.OLD. Note that if you run REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB repeatedly, you will overwrite REVBOOT.OLD each time.

+ Always to back up the DOS REVBOOT file before experimenting with REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB (even though the subroutine makes one copy of your existing file). If your REVBOOT file contains errors, you will not be able to log into Advanced Revelation.

You do not need to be in the SYSPROG application to run this subroutine, but you must have access to all the system tables listed in the table under location, below.


An array of information that overrides the defaults for REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB:

· The location where REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB can find certain system information (such as the logon text).

· The name of the network driver.

· The name and location of the DOS file that the subroutine creates (the default is REVBOOT).

You need to pass a value in this parameter only if you want REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB to find components for the new REVBOOT file somewhere other than their default locations or if you are changing network drivers. By specifying alternative locations for the components of the REVBOOT file, you can make changes to copies of these components and preserve the originals in case you want to restore the default values at a later time.

You can also pass information in location that causes REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB to write out the bootstrap information under a different name or to a location other than the default directory. This feature is useful if you want to create one or more alternate DOS files that you can experiment with when logging on to Advanced Revelation (by copying them to REVBOOT), or if you want to rebuild the REVBOOT file belonging to a different copy of Advanced Revelation.

The location array consists of 8 fields, most of which have two values, the first for a table name and the second for the name of a row in the table. The layout of this array, the definitions of its elements, and its default values are in the table that follows. To override a default value, pass an array that is null except for any values that you want to change.


Field Meaning Default (@VM-delimited)
1 Bootstrap program SYSOBJ, $RTP1We do not recommend that you override the object code records for bootstrap: ($RTP1, $RTP57, $RTP27, and $STDIOERR) except to change the location from which they are read, if relevant.
2 Boot filing system SYSOBJ, $RTP57
3 Network driver SYSNETWORKS, null
(see Notes, below)
4 Program loader SYSOBJ, $RTP27
5 Default error handler SYSOBJ, $STDIOERR
6 List of programs to remain memory-resident SYSENV, INITIAL_LOAD
(see Notes, below)
7 Text of logon messages SYSTEXT, RTP1*PARMS
(see Notes, below
8 Name and location for REVBOOT file. null
(see Notes, below)

Values returned

The return status of REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB is indicated by error values in @file.error. If there has been no error, @file.error is null. Multiple errors are delimited with record marks (@RM). The error number appears in field 1 of each @file.error "record", and additional information about the error appears in

field 2. Possible errors are:

Error Meaning Add'l Info.
W351 Unable to open a required table. <2> name of table
B280 REVBOOT file exceeds 65,530 bytes.  
B166 Invalid row key passed in location. <2,1> row key
<2,2> table name
B241 Invalid network driver name passed in location or placed into DRIVERTABLE. <2> driver name

@file.error may also contains errors values indicating problems in creating or writing the REVBOOT file at DOS. For possible values, see OSWRITE and OSOPEN in the R/BASIC manual.


Changing the network driver

Network drivers are different versions of the Linear Hash filing system object code ($RTP57A), one each for the different types of network operating systems that are supported in Advanced Revelation. A list of possible network drivers appears in the entry DRIVERTABLE in the table SYSNETWORKS. The layout of that entry is:

Field Meaning
1 Name (clear text) of current driver.
2 Multivalued array of names (clear text) of all available network drivers.
3 Multivalued array (associated with <2>) of the names of
the object code entries for the network drivers.

You can change a network driver in two ways:

· Change <1> of the DRIVERTABLE entry to the name of the new driver before running REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB.

· Pass in <3, 2> of location the name (clear text) of the new driver.

In either case, the name that you use must match exactly (case sensitive) one of the names in field 2 of DRIVERTABLE. If you are keeping the network driver object code in a table other than SYSNETWORKS, pass the name of the alternative table in <3,1> of location.

Changing the text of logon messages

You can change the change the text of logon messages in two ways:

· Modify the entry RTP1*PARMS in SYSTEXT before calling REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB.

· Copy RTP1*PARMS from SYSTEXT to another table (and optionally, to another row key name), and pass the new table name and row key in <7,1> (table) and <7,2> (row key) when calling REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB.

You must not disturb the layout of the text row, because the positions in the row are associated with particular errors and tasks (for example, position 34 of the row is the text that displays underneath the logon banner).

Changing the contents of the program stack (INITIAL_LOAD)

The row INITIAL_LOAD in the SYSENV table contains a list of programs that are loaded into memory when you first log onto Advanced Revelation. A number of these programs remain memory resident at all times for speed.

+ For details about using INITIAL_LOAD, see entries R33 and R50 in the Advanced Revelation KnowledgeBase.

To change the list of programs loaded as part of INITIAL_LOAD:

· Modify the entry INITIAL_LOAD in SYSENV before calling REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB.

· Copy INITIAL_LOAD from SYSENV to another table (and optionally, to another row key name), and pass the new table name and row key in <6,1> (table) and <6,2> (row key) when calling REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB.


/* an example of how to change the network driver */
location = ''

* must match a name in DRIVERTABLE<2> in SYSNETWORKS
location<3,2> = "Novell NetWare"
call rebuildrevboot_sub( location )
if @file.error then
call fsmsg()

/* example showing how you can change logon text by copying the
existing text to a new location, changing it, and passing the
new location to REBUILDREVBOOT_SUB */
open 'SYSENV' to sysenvFile else call fsmsg() ; stop
open 'PARM_TABLE' to parmTable else call fsmsg() ; stop
read textInfo from sysenvFile then
textInfo< 2 > = "Please stand by ..."
textInfo< 17 > = "Establishing a network connection ..."
textInfo< 26 > = "|Employee number|" ; * user name prompt
textInfo< 22 > = "|Password|" ; * password prompt
textInfo< 34 > = "Preparing your application ..."
write textInfo to parmTable, "TEXT" then
location< 7, 1 > = "PARM_TABLE"
location< 7, 2 > = "TEXT"
call rebuildrevboot_sub( location )
if @file.error then
call fsmsg()


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