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From: Eric Drews
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Date: 29 Jan 2002
Time: 23:26:43
Marc, The transfer of Arev data to Access is probably not going to be a one-step process because of the nature of Arev (in particular and Pick in general) data (multi-value fields). For data that is flat (no multi-values) the Export process available with Arev should allow you to get the data to a flat file (tab-delimited text file) that you can import to Access. The multi-valued fields are going to be a more interesting process... too long to go into in this forum. I'm not sure where you are located, or any particulars on Arev version or software package, but I would be willing to try to assist you. Regards, Eric Drews www.drews-ent.com (that should give you enough information to contact me)