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Multipart keys

From: Mark Ford
Remote Name:
Date: 27 Nov 2000
Time: 19:52:46


I defined a file with multipart keys (Survey_id and Question_id). I then defined a window using Quick Paint.

I encountered two problems. The first the key prompts were displayed in reverse order. The second problem was rediplaying the key data. I entered key yy for the Survey_id and XX for the Question_id)and test data and then saved the record(F9). The keys and the data were saved correctly. At the first key prompt I pressed the F2 key to display the Ids of the saved records. I selected the first key (yy*xx). The first part of the key (YY) was displayed correctly however, the second part of the key was not displayed. How can I select or have the system select the second part of the key and display it in the second key prompt correctly.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Last changed: July 18, 2002